"É de Cultura como instrumento para a felicidade, como arma para o civismo, como via para o entendimento dos povos que vos quero falar"

Bem Estar

In Resonance Festival Portugal 2020

Life Music - Dance- Performance - Art - Awareness - Permaculture - Kids & Healing Space
South Portugal, 17-21 August 2020

17 Ago a 21 Ago 2020

A Terra Eco Camping in luxury
Carvalhal das figueiras São Teotónio

Connect with nature, access the spirit world, embark into the unknown and celebrate life and its renewal. Guided by Sophie de Lacaze, Nuno Salema, Volker Eschmann, Julian Schmid, Vega Luukkonen , Rita Vilhena, Hugh Stanier, Florencia Lamarca, Matthieu Azul, Barbara Ramos, Alexa Papa, Alicja Dogory Nogami, ZinnDa Alive, Farafi, Las Lloronas, Malte Marten, Jorien van Dam, Nicole Jacobs, Samuel del Bello, Sibylla, Peter Grünheid, Joy Tyson, Darlini Singh Kaul and more

With a conscious Festival approach In Resonance is built around six Principles that will guide us into an inner journey of self-discovery and a collective shared experience. A gathering for the international community. Bringing together the different tribes, collect and share knowledge, love and compassion. Celebrating in the summer’s peak in the blooming south west of Portugal, the center of the new forming global community. A field of personal and collective transformation.

All prices are economical. Accommodation possibilities in your own tent, in your camper van, a simple rental tent or on glamours campsite. Food you can buy in food stands or bring your own special. Registration is open! in-resonance.pt/tickets/ticket-sell

Location is Aterra an Eco Campsite on a big land, with rolling hills, a lake and plenty of space to dance and celebrate. aterra.pt

Next Airport is Faro/ Portugal. Easy Jet & Ryan Air offer roundtrip from big cities in Europe for low prices of about € 140. Please consider to come by train or car sharing if you have the possibility.

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