Segurança e Defesa

The Artemis Operation in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Lessons for the future of EU Peace-keeping in Africa, por François Grignon

Operation Artemis was the first EU peacekeeping mission in Africa. Having been successful overall, it raised the debate on CFSP issues and the role of peacekeeping in Africa. The EU cannot, according to the author, have the ambition to rival NATO militarily to intervene in Africa – the challenge is to find mechanisms for military cooperation to maximise the means available.

Descarregar artigo
GRIGNON François. ” The Artemis Operation in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Lessons for the future of EU Peace-keeping in Africa ". Os desafios das relações Europa-África: uma agenda de prioridades. IEEI. ISSN. (2005). 51-56. págs.
Dimensão do suporte
5 págs.