Adesão à Europa e Política Europeia

The Lisbon Strategy and Foreign Policy: The Missing Link, por Pedro Courela

The Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Jobs was launched in 2000 with the ambitious goal of defining how Europe would operate in the emerging global economy. Assessments of the practical results of the Lisbon Strategy have been undertaken in various academic and political reports and are well documented elsewhere. The purpose of this paper is to examine three main issues. First, it looks at the issue of coherence. Second, the paper examines the “international dimension” of the Lisbon Strategy. In short, this paper discusses the “missing link” between the Lisbon Strategy and EU external action, by addressing two sets of questions. The first set touches on the implementation of the Lisbon Strategy: since it was launched in 2000 has there been a change of paradigm in terms of implementation, and if so, in which policy areas has this occurred? The second set of questions focuses on the role of the EU in world affairs: to what extent have the priorities of the Lisbon Strategy become part of EU external action, and what does this say about the Union’s capacity to promote a regulating agenda for the international system?

Descarregar artigo
COURELA, Pedro. "The Lisbon Strategy and Foreign Policy: The Missing Link". Estratégia - Revista de Estudos Internacionais: Lisboa. IEEI. 0874-5269. Nº 22-23 (2007). 27-43 págs.
Dimensão do suporte
17 págs.